Rachel Brazil Law image of Rachel talking to a clientRachel Brazil at her desk with an employer


Pragmatic, Practical & Robust Legal Advice

Our Approach Ensures We Can Offer A Bespoke Employment Law Service And Provide Pragmatic, Practical & Robust Legal Advice.

Illustration of a man with a huge piece of paper

How We Can Help Employees

Specialising in employment law, we can assist you with any issues you may be experiencing at work.

Everyone should feel valued and respected at work.

We are experienced and committed to helping you! We believe in passionately representing our clients in employment law.

Get in touch

Our Employer Services

Employment Agreements

Before starting any job, you should receive an Employment Agreement and have a reasonable opportunity to review it before signing. You need to understand the terms and conditions of your employment agreement, especially around trial periods, leave and pay. We can help you make sense of complicated or confusing clauses, so you know exactly what you’re agreeing to before starting a new job.

Personal Grievances

If you feel you have been disadvantaged at work or unfairly dismissed, you may have grounds for a personal grievance. If you have experienced repeated bullying, sexual harassment, or been discriminated against based on your race, age, gender, religion, or sexual orientation, you may have grounds for a personal grievance. We can advise you on the process and possible outcomes, as well as negotiate on your behalf with your employer’s lawyer.

Redundancy and Restructuring

Under New Zealand law, you are entitled to be consulted and have real input before any restructuring decisions are made in your workplace. To make sure you are fully informed, we can represent you at each stage of the process.

Disciplinary Meetings

Disciplinary meetings require a specific process to be followed, and you are entitled to have representation. We can attend your disciplinary meeting and represent you to get the best possible outcome.

This is some text inside of a div block.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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Employment Agreements

Before starting any job, you should receive an Employment Agreement and have a reasonable opportunity to review it before signing. You need to understand the terms and conditions of your employment agreement, especially around trial periods, leave and pay. We can help you make sense of complicated or confusing clauses, so you know exactly what you’re agreeing to before starting a new job.

Disciplinary Meetings

Disciplinary meetings require a specific process to be followed, and you are entitled to have representation. We can attend your disciplinary meeting and represent you to get the best possible outcome.

Redundancy and Restructuring

Under New Zealand law, you are entitled to be consulted and have real input before any restructuring decisions are made in your workplace. To make sure you are fully informed, we can represent you at each stage of the process.

Personal Grievances

If you feel you have been disadvantaged at work or unfairly dismissed, you may have grounds for a personal grievance. If you have experienced repeated bullying, sexual harassment, or been discriminated against based on your race, age, gender, religion, or sexual orientation, you may have grounds for a personal grievance. We can advise you on the process and possible outcomes, as well as negotiate on your behalf with your employer’s lawyer.

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Employment Agreements

Before starting any job, you should receive an Employment Agreement and have a reasonable opportunity to review it before signing. You need to understand the terms and conditions of your employment agreement, especially around trial periods, leave and pay. We can help you make sense of complicated or confusing clauses, so you know exactly what you’re agreeing to before starting a new job.

Personal Grievances

If you feel you have been disadvantaged at work or unfairly dismissed, you may have grounds for a personal grievance. If you have experienced repeated bullying, sexual harassment, or been discriminated against based on your race, age, gender, religion, or sexual orientation, you may have grounds for a personal grievance. We can advise you on the process and possible outcomes, as well as negotiate on your behalf with your employer’s lawyer.

Redundancy and Restructuring

Under New Zealand law, you are entitled to be consulted and have real input before any restructuring decisions are made in your workplace. To make sure you are fully informed, we can represent you at each stage of the process.

Disciplinary Meetings

Disciplinary meetings require a specific process to be followed, and you are entitled to have representation. We can attend your disciplinary meeting and represent you to get the best possible outcome.

We Have Extensive Legal Experience In:

Management Processes

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Payroll Problems

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Disciplinary Action

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Unfair Disadvantage

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Constructive (Resignation under Duress) or Unjustified Dismissal

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Terms & Conditions of Employment

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Performance Management Issues

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FAQs For Employees

What is a personal grievance?

A personal grievance is when an employee brings a formal complaint against their current or former employer.

An employee has 90 days to raise a personal grievance.

Employees can bring a personal grievance for many reasons, including:

  • Unjustifiable dismissal (unless the dismissal took place while the employee was on a valid 90-day trial period)?
  • Discrimination?
  • Sexual harassment?
  • Age discrimination?
  • Racial harassment?
  • Bullying, when the employee has raised the issue and not received a response or adequate action?
  • Restructuring causing redundancy without the correct process?
  • Disadvantage to an employee due to the employment agreement not meeting legal requirements?
  • Unfair treatment of an employee who has lawfully refused work.

Am I being bullied? What can I do?

Bullying is:

  • Repeated,
  • Unreasonable, including humiliating, intimidating, or threatening a person,
  • Harassment, discrimination, or violence.

Bullying is not:

  • Occasional rudeness or one-off incidents of unreasonable behaviour,
  • High performance standards,
  • Constructive feedback or advice,
  • Requests for extra work to be done, or warning/disciplining workers according to the code of conduct,
  • An argument or difference of opinion (if it doesn't become aggressive).


Can my employer dismiss me if I refuse to be vaccinated?

See the latest information on vaccines on the Employment New Zealand website.

What do I do if I'm not getting paid properly?

  • I'm not getting paid at all?
  • I'm not getting paid my usual pay?
  • I'm a casual worker. My hours are being cut, so I'm not being paid?

My employer is getting the wage subsidy but not giving it to me, or they are getting the subsidy and only giving me the subsidy not my usual pay.

If your employer doesn't communicate with you and doesn't pay you fairly, you should contact the Early Resolution Service at Employment New Zealand. They are a free service who can help you resolve a workplace issue early, quickly, and informally.